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armored cavalry squadron

См. также в других словарях:

  • 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment (United States) — 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment coat of arms Active 1846–present Country U …   Wikipedia

  • 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (United States) — Infobox Military Unit unit name=11th Armored Cavalry Regiment caption=11th Armored Cavalry Regiment shoulder sleeve insignia country=USA type=Cavalry Regiment branch=Regular Army dates=March 11, 1901 specialization=Armored Cavalry command… …   Wikipedia

  • 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment (United States) — Infobox Military Unit unit name=278th Armored Cavalry Regiment caption=278th Armored Cavalry Regiment shoulder sleeve insignia dates=Active prior to 1780 country=USA allegiance=Tennessee branch=Army National Guard type=Heavy Brigade Combat Team… …   Wikipedia

  • 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment — Schulterabzeichen (Shoulder Sleave Insignia) des 2. US Kavallerieregiments Das 2. US Kavallerieregiment (2SCR; 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment) ist ein Regiment der US Army. Das Regiment ist der am längsten ununterbrochen bestehende Verband der US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • squadron — [skwäd′rən] n. [It squadrone < squadra, a square, fem. of quadrus,SQUARE] 1. a group of warships, usually of the same type, assigned to some special duty; specif., a naval unit consisting of two or more divisions 2. a unit of armored cavalry… …   English World dictionary

  • Cavalry (United States) — Infobox Military Unit unit name= United States Army: Cavalry caption=Captain Charles A. May s squadron of the 2d Dragoons slashed through the enemy lines in an attack that climaxed the opening campaigns of the Mexican War. 2,500 American soldiers …   Wikipedia

  • Cavalry — Cavalrymen redirects here. For the 1955 French film, see Les Hussards. French 4th Hussar at the battle of Friedland, 1807 …   Wikipedia

  • Cavalry Scout — The Cavalry Scout, is the commander s eyes and ears on the battlefield. When information about the enemy is needed, they call on the Scouts. They are responsible for reconnaissance and learn about various weapons to include explosives and mines.… …   Wikipedia

  • Squadron — A squadron is a small unit or formation of cavalry, armour, aircraft (including balloons), or warships. Army and MarinesA cavalry squadron (horse or armoured), typically consists of three to five troops. USAIn the United States Army, a squadron… …   Wikipedia

  • squadron — /skwod reuhn/, n. 1. a portion of a naval fleet or a detachment of warships; a subdivision of a fleet. 2. an armored cavalry or cavalry unit consisting of two or more troops, a headquarters, and various supporting units. 3. (in the U.S. Air… …   Universalium

  • squadron — squad•ron [[t]ˈskwɒd rən[/t]] n. 1) mil a subdivision of a naval fleet usu. consisting of two or more divisions 2) mil an armored cavalry or cavalry unit consisting of two or more troops 3) mil (in the U.S. Air Force) a) the basic administrative… …   From formal English to slang

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